Mobile development project and articles in ionic, flutter, android studio, Swift, and react-native.

Adding push Notifications with Firebase messaging and Notifee in React Native.
Push notifications in mobile development is a must-go step which any developer who wants to engage his audience needs to implement. In React Native,

Using axios Interceptors in React Native
Interceptors are a very fun concept in axios, and they can permit you to intercept and modify requests before being sent to the server. It can be

How to use Tailwind CSS in React Native
Introduction Setting up Tailwind CSS in React Native can be difficult, while React Native and Tailwind CSS are two of the most successful open-source

Top 5 React-Native Translation Libraries
Introduction React-Native is one of the most popular when it comes to cross-platform it helps developers to build fast and performant mobile

How to create a react native animated splash screen with RNBootsplash
When working with react-native and mobile development one common problem is how to create an animated splash screen, in react-native,